
Know the Detailed Steps of Importing Cars into Canada

Importing cars to Canada is always worth the time and patience. But there are only a handful of people who would want to do that. You would want to import the cars to Canada if you are a car enthusiast or if you want to buy a high-end car, which is a lot more affordable in the United States. The selling prices of these cars in the US are lot lesser but can involve a lot of documentation and paperwork. So, if you do not have sufficient knowledge about this process, here is the article which will help you get a hang of it.

There are a lot of instances where people find themselves stranded at the borders and leave their new cars either to the US or to the Canadian customs. The importer must either resolve the issue or find an alternate transportation solution or return and pay the incurred storage fees and get the car to Canada. 

In order to not get stranded, it is always better to do your homework beforehand. 

Here are the documentation steps discussed below.

Country of export

Most Canadian exports happen from the US and the requirements vary by the Canadian states. It is necessary for you to consult the right DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) website and fill out any available online forms. You need to have the following prepared:

  • State-specific forms
  • Titles or registrations
  • Correctly formatted bills of sale, VIN listings, purchase prices, buyers and sellers and everything must be signed and dated.
  • Form One of the Transport Canada Authorized Release Certificate

There can be instances where the electronic export declaration must be prepared through the AES website.

Canadian requirements

You need to make the car eligible to be transported to Canada. There are certain Canadian standards which are not met by the European or Asian cars. Gather all the documents needed by the CBSA, Transport Canada, RIV and the local license bureau. At times, there are declarations needed by the CFIA too.

  • CBSA might collect 6.1% duty on the estimated value or the declared purchase price.
  • An added $100 excise will be collected if there is AC in the car.
  • A special levy tax maybe applied if it is a luxury car.
  • Local license bureaus can collect provincial taxes.

With these guidelines, it will be easier for you to import a car to Canada.